Monthly Archives: April 2023

All the things I don’t know about everything

I know how to make it look right, but I don’t know why it works.

I know it needs water. Not sure how much, or how often.

I couldn’t tell you what a comma splice is. I’m actually pretty sure my grammar isn’t perfect, but I think I avoid major errors. I avoid them mainly because I know what feels wrong.

I can barely remember debits and credits, and I do this crap for a living. (Increase an asset with a debit. Increase an expense with a debit. Increase a liability or revenue with a credit. There… I did it).

I wish I could remember how to do a 4:3 polyrhythm right. I could join a tiktok trend. No clue, though. I can tell you when all the others do it wrong… syncopation is NOT the same thing as a 4:3 polyrhythm. But I can’t do it myself. And yes, I recognize that the grammar is wrong in both this sentence and the one directly preceding it.

The only thing that I am sure of is that I am generally able to keep the civilized veneer of lies in place, so people think I know things. I fool them. Silly them.